How many times have you passed by a veteran and never said thank you? How long has it been since you went out of your way to say thanks? When was the last time that you stood up against a tyrant? When was the last time that you stood up for freedom?
So many times we forget that someone paid the price and was willing to give his life for our freedom.
Stand! the ground's your own, my braves!
Will ye give it up to slaves?
Will ye look for greener graves?
Hope ye mercy still?
What's the mercy depots feel?
Hear it in that battle peal!
Read it on yon bristling steel!
Ask it,- ye who will.
Fear ye foes who kill for hire?
Will ye to your homes retire?
Look behind you! they're a-fire!
And before you, see
Who have done it!- From the vale
On they come!-And will ye quail?-
Leaden rain and iron hail
Let their welcome be!
In the God of battles trust!
Die we may,-and die we must;
But, O, where can dust to dust
Be consigned so well,
As where Heaven its dews shall shed
On the martyred patriot's bed,
And the rocks shall raise their head,
Of his deeds to tell!
-- Warren's Address to the American Soldiers --
There are many times that people will make a statement like, "I'd die for my country without hesitation." But do they really mean it? Do they understand the price that they must pay? Can they look the barrel of the gun in the face, stand tall and say "Die we may and die we must"? Most people that make those statements probably wouldn't be able to do that.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I do understand one fact, freedom isn't free, it never will be. I also understand that when a nation stands by while their freedoms are being taken away the price will have to be payed again.
So ask yourself this question, are you willing to give what it takes to keep this nation free? We take so many freedoms lightly. Most of the time we're so focused on the freedoms we're losing, and don't seem to recognize the freedoms we still have.
The freedom to teach our children
The freedom to say what we please
The freedom to carry a gun
The freedom to wave our flag
The freedom to walk the streets
The freedom to fight
The freedom to worship
One day we will be asked to make a stand. One day we will be asked to fight back. One day we will be asked what we cherish more, our secure jobs, or our freedom to serve God as he calls us to. One day we may have to say goodbye to more than one person.
The generation of WWII knew that as Americans it was their job to protect freedom. They excepted that responsibility and carried out their jobs to the best of their ability.
Farm boys became marines, women became war corespondents and spies. All of them laid aside their own dreams to fight for a dream they all had in common. If our freedom was seriously threatened, how many people do you think would stand up for it?
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
"...we will never surrender for it, not now nor ever. We are Americans."